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Over the last few years wearable technology was among the leaders in fitness and now we understand why. Besides the obvious benefits of tracking your calorie burn and heart rate, it was amazing to see how motivated you were by actually seeing these things displayed on a screen. When it comes to fitness we have this notion that your success is measurethumbnail_jamars-group-1-1d by a number. How many calories did I burn? How much weight did I shed? How many inches were lost? These things were not what I was using to measure your success… it was measured by showing up EVERY WEEK and motivating each other no matter how tough the workout was.

Although some of you lost weight and inches, it was rewarding for me to see you all excited about working out again. This goes for both my Fantastic Four and The Incredibles. I’ve learned so much about each of you during the 10 week period and I hope that I’ve taught you as much as you ALL taught me.

Just a few shoutouts (there are so many I could write about but for those of you who know me, know that I am a man of few words).

Gladiz & Amy both ran half marathons during the competition!

Geri moved outside her comfort zone and started trying new programs.

Jillian lives 45 mins away img_5574-1and still made it here every week!

EG for always reminding me to “switch things up”

Danielle & Katie pushed through injury and still gave it 100%

Rita for winning the spirit award with her superman costume (that’s my favorite superhero)

Victoria for working through all that school work and still getting here!

Abby who started this competition in great shape but was at a plateau and still managed to lose & tone!

Gina for giving it her personal best!

Liz & Maria both came in with injuries but were with us in spirit!




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