A few signs that you’re ready to hire a Personal Trainer…

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It’s been on your vision board since you signed up for HealthyFit: Hire a personal trainer. And for whatever reasons (usually cost-related), you’ve been putting it off. As we’re rapidly approaching the holiday season, now is the perfect time to check it off your list and you’ll thank yourself come the new year.

A few signs that you’re ready to hire a Personal Trainer:

You have a big goal…now what?

Everyone has different fitness goals. Maybe you finally want to master the perfect squat or you’re ready to get serious about lifting but find the weight room slightly terrifying (been there). Instead of getting bogged down with feeling clueless and overwhelmed, leave it to a pro.  A trainer can not only make you feel more comfortable in the gym, but can also map out exactly what it will take to reach your goals.

You’ve hit a plateau and can’t figure out how to break through it

Even fitness fanatics shouldn’t be immune to asking for a little help! Whether you’re new to the game or a seasoned pro, a trainer can show you how to properly progress and ensure that your body never adapts to the workouts you’re doing.

You’re a cardio junkie…but that might not be enough

You’ve heard the research: mixing in strength training with cardio can help provide better calorie-burning benefits. But if you have no idea where to start, a trainer can help you balance that out. Plus, he or she can give you tips on the best times to incorporate cardio into your strength training workouts to really maximize your results.

You have an injury

Returning to the gym on your own after you’ve been sidelined can add injury to, well, injury. Having the guidance of a trainer is always recommended after any type of injury (with the doctor’s approval of course).

You need someone to hold you accountable

Some days (especially when cold weather is in the forecast), bed just seems more enticing than the rowing machine. Knowing someone is waiting for you can be all the motivation you need—plus, not showing up means you’re wasting money (wink wink).


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