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We cannot wait to have you back at HF! Over the last few months, our team has been working hard to provide you with as many virtual options as possible. While our main focus has been to keep you Healthy & Fit at home, we’re starting to prepare the club so when we re-open our doors, we’re ready for you!

Our goal is to make HF just about the safest, cleanest and most worry free environment for you. Since your safety is our biggest priority, we have been working diligently behind the scenes to find the most effective cleaning products available and to create a plan to keep the club safe and clean while you workout.

We have found the BEST virus-killing machine on the market (AirPHX). Ownership has arranged for these to be installed before opening. These machines will continuously clean the air and surfaces, eliminating pathogens from both.—YES, in conjunction with the additonal measures we’re taking, this will effectively kill the Coronavirus.

Over the coming weeks, we will be releasing a detailed plan for our members which will answer all of your questions. As with anything these days, our plans are subject to change as NYS gives additional guidance. We’ll definitely keep you updated as we work towards reopening HF.

And don’t worry- virtual offerings are here to stay and will remain a part of your membership.

If you haven’t already done so, please take this short survey when you have a minute! We really appreciate your help!  REOPENING SURVEY

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