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thumbnail_14670643_1294581880586180_4805827387264934970_n-1 First of all, I want to congratulate all of the women and coaches that were a part of this challenge. It was a long 10 weeks, but you DID IT!!!! I have told my team numerous times, and I will say it again, this has been my favorite challenge to date. I have been a part of a handful of challenges over the years, but this team really came together.

Most of the women on this team joined this challenge for a change, a break in the routine, or even just to get here! Not only did they make that change, but they had amazing results. Many of the women on this team still meet up to take classes together or meet up to just workout together. These are women who did not know each other before this challenge began, but they came together and continue to!

Most of the team lost weight along the way, but I want to start off with 3 women who not only made changes in their lifestyle, but it showed in their bodies. Kristy, Kelly and Melissa all lost a substantial amount of weight over the 10 weeks and worked so hard to do so.

Kristy kept us all laughing every workout while pushing her limits! Always in the yellow or the red zone working her butt off!

Kelly showed off her “bad ass” side, pushing as hard as possible, doing things outside her comfort zone and continues to do so each and every day!

Melissa killed it! Melissa finished 3rd overall and completely transformed her body and has made incredible gains in her strength and endurance.

Then we have Mary– Mary in my opinion is a true “BEAST!” True strength and determination every workout. Not too long ago, her average watts in cycling hit 165 (insane).

Lorena came all the way, getting into the top 10 and maintaining it until the end. Every single workout she was cheering her teammates on, providing motivation and encouragement along with a laugh or two.

Jeanette completely changed her workout routine and saw amazing results. She workethumbnail_pattis-group-2-1d hard every single minute of every single workout — and is going to make a gorgeous bride 🙂

Caitlyn was another great motivator on our team. She was always encouraging her teammates and was always looking to do more reps or faster each round.

Elena pushed through every workout trying to give her best effort to get that heart rate up and keep it up the entire session. If she wasn’t in the gym, she would be working out outside walking just to keep moving.

Sheri always pushed during the workout to break into the yellow zone. She worked hard and tried her best every workout.

Kathy – HealthyFit’s weight loss coach- Kathy pushed and continues to push day in and day out being an amazing role model for the team and all of her clients. Kathy too saw amazing results and continues to shape her body into the strongest she can be.

All of these women were amazing and I had the best time with them. I couldn’t be more proud of the work and efforts they put in and the results they achieved by doing so!!!!! I love seeing you all continue to motivate each other and love seeing you in my classes as well!

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